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"Thank you, Emelie, for your firm, responsive, and present pilotage over a sea of words, memories, and feelings. Sometimes cloudy, wavy, shallow, dark, still, deep, and endless, with you at the helm, we have begun to dare to face all types of weather with curiosity because you show us that there is a way through and the journey continues."
"Emelie used a structure which helped encourage writing yet managed the stresses that can accompany personal expression. Emelie's approach was encouraging and gentle and as it was trauma sensitive, I learned to notice my own feelings and body responses when writing, something I had never thought of before this and I have been writing many years. Basically, I have learned not to ignore my body and feelings when writing. This is amazing for me." COURSE PARTICIPANT 2021
There are several different ways of writing that lead to the core within me. Several ways to write about the difficult. A tool to open up about things, that is just for me. Emelie explained this so well and led us through the process in a good way. It was individual, as well as in groups. Listening to others in the group and their thoughts on the same issue helped me to see things differently. It felt good. Five stars out of five possible.
A very rewarding and insightful course in reflective writing. Especially in the context of kinship, it is just right. As a relative there is a need focus outside of oneself, and this writing course provides tools for reconnecting to one's genuine core.
You do not know in advance where the writing will take you, but shackle by shackle, word by word, sentence by sentence you begin to unleash. Finally, a text is formed, a life alongside life itself and a 'you' that experiments with all the layers that are available, consciously and unconsciously. The wholeness crumbles, binds together and crumbles again and so it goes on, all with the longing to simply access your inner light. Can I recommend trying healing writing? With all my heart, and the rest that constitutes the vessels of this body, yes! For God's sake, yes!
I was trapped in a cage, alone with my experiences. Outside the cage, a key shimmered, which i tried to reach in every way but could not… In my healing writing journey, I was finally able to reach that key and unlock the cage. Freedom and a feeling of victory are strong. I have managed to escape captivity and I now feel that everything is possible.
The best part is, that I feel that I now sit with the key to my interior - I have more doors to open - some are still closed and locked, others are open but some are wide open and I now know that I can and will dare to go through them. Today, I often feel that the "story" goes on inside me all the time or comes to me very quickly. I see an object or sense a scent, hear a word, or just emotions that emerge and in my head and I write all the time. I know I need to take better care of this and get those words down on paper or a computer, but what feels so great is that a process is going on within me and I can access it.
For the first time in my adult life, I feel that I am becoming free. Free from what has been a heavy weight since I was a child
The biggest gift, is my own voice, my own story, what happens to me when I am able to formulate myself in a more nuanced way. It is a great gift and I feel that I am reborn in some way. My life has involved strong events and although I have worked through these in therapy, it gets an even more important dimension as I write. There is something in the soul that heals, something finely tuned and important to me. Like music.
I feel stronger now than ever before, I have also begun an inner work on guilt and conscience that stems from my upbringing and the puzzle pieces are being put into place, one by one.