Course Package C

Reflective writing - Exploring your heart's voice
  • Duration: 20 weeks
  • Price: 9000 SEK

Write Your Self’s foundation course consisting of eight steps including the four step in-depth material.

The eight steps

– A Room of One’s Own
– Begin Writing
– Self-care
– The Writing Body
– Genres
– Topics
– Creating Wholeness
– Expressing the Wordless

After finishing the eight steps of the writing process, we move on to the in-depth material, where we continue to explore more of our stories through research.

4 steps – In depth material

– Scenes & Summaries
– Environment description
– Person description
– Research and Timelines

Weekly package with a newsletter, lesson material and exercises.

Text response on four occasions as well as regular telephone contact, video meet up via Zoom or Skype. We go deeper into therapeutic methods, research and literature.

We continue to work more in-depth with other American therapeutic writing methods such as those developed by Mark Matousek and James W. Penebaker amongst others. These exercises are very effective in accessing the more difficult areas within ourselves. We note in our writing diaries what we feel and experience during this process.

Literature list with tips on guidance manuals included.